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Where to Get Drunk as the English Do it in Fulham

Posted on 24/11/2015

Get Drunk as the English in Fulham

get drunk in London

What you mean there’s no place to get pissed in Fulham, ey? Listen, mate, you have obviously never stepped in Fulham territory, so don’t be going all shooting your mouth when all you need to do is read properly the information that you’ll be supplied with here and then finding somewhere to get tipsy will be the least of your worries.

• Aragon House
A lovely pub with plenty of historical value, being associated with Catherine of Aragon – the first of Henry VIII’s six wives. It is an amazing place to forget your ex... just stop drinking when you start fantasising about poison.

• Bloom
Go to Fulham Palace Road and look for the neighbourhood pub. Great place, serving all the drinks and exquisite food for your bellies. And it has a play area for your kids to keep the waiters safe from having to zigzag around their running routes.

• The Broadway Bar and Grill
Why did the chicken cross the road? Nobody cares, because you’re having your drinks and dinner in a 1950’s New York atmosphere (sadly, no Don Draper involved). ‘Chic’ is how they describe it, and you can describe it after tasting their beer and food.

• Kona Kai
When you get sick of the pints and chips in other pubs, visit this exotic Polynesian bar for all the foods and drinks that you won’t find elsewhere. All that this bar is missing are the hula girls, but with enough cocktails on Halloween, you can change that as well.

• Octoberfest Pub
Did you see that ludicrous display last night? Well, you can discuss it with many other sports fans in a musical background provided by Oompah Brass. Show that the Germans are not the only ones enlightened on the topic of football.

• The Atlas
Virginia Woolf and the Brontë sisters didn’t drink and dine here, but that doesn’t make the pub any less Victorian-looking, with great staff, beer, and food. Here you can enjoy sports events on a big screen along with the crowd, drink to your heart’s content, and even get kicked out in style.

To find a place to get a drink is never a problem in Fulham. All you have to do is literally look around, take your pick of the various options you get on every corner, go there, order, and Bob’s your uncle!

Dan Lee
Dan Lee

With his experience in removals, Dan provides informative articles on packing, home removals, and man and van rentals. His contributions have supported hundreds of individuals in accessing convenient and environmentally conscious services.